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Storage Genie Cresta, Johannesburg

  • 999+
  • 0
242 Beyers Naude Drive, Randburg, South Africa

Within walking distance of one of the most popular malls in Johannesburg. Storage Genie Cresta offers families and businesses an extra room to store their overflow goods. With lock-up garages, small and large units, there is a storage solution that will suit your needs. You need a hassle-free, safe and private solution to your space needs. We offer small units for books, files and personal documents to which you have access 6 days of the week. Our Cresta facility offers shop sized storage, as well as warehouse facilities for large amounts of goods, leased for a time period that suits you. Our parking facilities can even park open trucks and trailers. Where can you get ‘in the city space’ for such an affordable rate? With rates starting at R18 per day, give us a call to find the right storage for you.

ACCESS HOURS: Storage Genie Cresta

  • 8am to 5pm, weekdays.
  • 8am to 2pm, Saturdays.

242 Beyers Naude Drive


Drive up access
Personal lock

Storage Units

Name Size Price
Small Garage Unit Size On Request m² R 770.00 per month
Medium Garage Unit Size On Request m² R 1310.00 per month
Large Garage Unit Size On Request m² R 2200.00 per month